inner landscapes

inner landscapes: general #521

A Taoist bodymind practice is about multidimensional resonance, about multidimensionally resonating. As soon as you have internalized the external aspects of a movement sequence you can set foot on a really fascinating and rewarding path.

Light, pulsing movements, vibrations, waves throughout the whole body are a meaningful physical approach to begin and then continue your path. These words are so easily uttered. They are, however, not always that easy to grasp and put into practice. It is a wonderful, endless path of inspiration.

Movements, movement impulses, move in, through, and out of the body. You do not command these movements. You do not hold them back. The “identity” of a movement is broadened and extended. Rigidity is dissolved, drop by drop. You become a part of the flow—physically, mentally, emotionally, on conscious as well as on subconscious levels. Tune yourself in a wider context. You become tuned. It is a pleasant treatment that takes the time it needs. Building trust by trustworthy being.

Ancient Taoists were interested in meaning beyond the linguistic understanding of language and words. Sensing and sense-making seen in a different light.